National Math Honor Society
Our Mission: We are dedicated to inspiring keen interest in mathematics, developing strong scholarship in the subject, and promoting the enjoyment of mathematics in high school.
Every March, eligible students are nominated by their math teachers to apply (sophomores at the end of Pre Calculus and juniors who have successfully completed Honors Trig and Honors College Algebra).
Students are nominated using criteria established by Mu Alpha Theta
- Have completed two years of college preparatory mathematics and enrolled in a third year of college preparatory mathematics
- Have completed their mathematical work with distinction
- Maintained at least a B average in their college preparatory math classes
- Demonstrated enjoyment and interest in mathematics
If nominated, application must be completed and submitted by deadline. Initiation fees must also be received by deadline. Students are inducted in mid to late April.
Once inducted, members are required to:
- maintain a 3.0 GPA in math classes.
- attend at least 4 math meetings each year
- complete 4 hours of service each year
- compete in at least 4 math contests each year
- enroll in at least one college preparatory math course during junior/senior year
Dues: $10 initiation fee. $5 dues each year of membership